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 Practical Solutions and Live Demonstration

Practical Solutions and Live Demonstration


Having close look at true facts highlighted in our presentations, obvious questions that come to your mind would be:

1. How can we proceed with identifying and controlling hidden losses in dairy business?
2. Who would provide live demonstration that these innovative systems and techniques can be practically implemented under prevailing field conditions in India?
3. Who would impart required skills or train our professionals for solving such complex problems causing losses and help us to attain optimum profits.

Yes, we have the answers to these questions; you are requested to please visit Annexure-G & Annexure-H on this website and go through our Mission, Policy, Value proposition, Services, Terms and documentary evidence in support of our contention for helping ethical segment of dairy industry in India.

We as Indian dairy professionals proudly say that India is No.1 milk producing country in the world. However, when it comes to justify our claim in terms of quantity of raw milk/ quality of dairy products meeting with international quality requirements and our share in the export market, we very often cut a sorry figure. There is hardly any dairy plant especially in north India procuring raw milk without heavy dose of dilution with added water. Entrepreneurs in dairy business fail to realize expected profitability levels only due these unresolved techno-commercial problems.

Let us join hands and work together to turn the tide in favor of ethical dairy business entrepreneurs. Keeping in view our commitment to provide result oriented services, we are quite confident that you may like to get associated with our Indo- Canadian joint venture for attaining profitability levels that would ultimately become envy of your competitors in this field. You may reach us through Mail/Email or telephone contacts given therein on our website: http://www.apnidairy.com/

On behalf of our Mission we would like to place on record our profound gratitude to N.D.R.I., N.D.D.B.,I.D.A., Milk co-operatives of state federations, Public and private sector commercial dairy plants in India for their active support and technical co-operation.

Wishing to you success in your dairy business and assuring our result oriented services.

Yours truly

(Tapinderjit Singh)
President & C.E.O
Improvement Innovations Unlimited Inc.(Canada)
(Jaswant Singh)
Mission Director
International Improvement Mission & Managing Director
Innovative Business Improvements Pvt. Ltd.
Chandigarh (India)